WordPress 2.7 has been released

December 11th, 2008 by jason Leave a reply »

It’s finally here.  Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been waiting on pins and needles for this release.  I’m happy with the WordPress 2.6.5 version I’m on now but maybe once I see the new features in 2.7 I’ll get more excited about it.  At any rate, I’ll be proceeding with much caution.  Probably not for at least a few weeks.  Much like a Microsoft Windows service pack, I’ll let other early adopters find out the joys first, then I’ll stand on the shoulders of their learning and success and avoid the pitfalls myself.  My concerns are with the dozen or more plugins/widgets I use in addition to my blog theme.  If you have any experience or hear any sort of news good/bad/ugly, please share the knowledge.  Comments always welcome here (as long as they are not spam).


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  1. Eric Gray says:

    I am with you on this. I’m looking forward to the improved interface, but not this afternoon. 🙂

  2. Ah…where’s the sense of adventure, guys? I’m going to try it on my test blog tomorrow night. My wife is at an all night girl’s gift exchange so I get to be the geeky bachelor. 🙂

  3. jason says:

    @Mike I’m going to hold off a bit because sometimes undiscovered bugs or licensing time bombs find their way into production release code. 😀 We’re friends right?

  4. Vladan says:

    Hi guys,

    My blog has been migrated to WP 2.7 without any hassle. The new interface rocks. -:)


  5. Eric Gray says:

    OK, I upgraded VCritical this evening. No issues to report.

    It’s almost as if they tested this. 🙂