Performance Overview charts fail with STATs Report Service internal error

May 11th, 2011 by jason Leave a reply »

A few months ago I was troubleshooting a problem with the Overview charts in the Performance tab of the vSphere Client.  This was a vSphere 4.0 Update 1 environment but I believe the root cause will impact other vSphere versions as well.

Instead of displaying the dashboard of charts in the Overview display, an error was displayed:

STATs Report service internal error
STATs Report application initialization is not completed successfully

One unique aspect of this environment was that the vCenter database was hosted on a Microsoft SQL Server which used a port other than the default of TCP 1433.  VMware KB Article 1012812 identified this as the root cause of the issue.

To resolve the issue, I was required to stop the vCenter Server service and modify the statsreport.xml file located on the vCenter Server in the \Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\ directory by inserting the line in bold.  Note the italicized components will vary and are environment specific based on the SQL server name, database name, alternate TCP port in use, and authentication method (SQL/false or Windows integrated/true):

<Resource auth=”Container”

Don’t forget to restart the vCenter Server service after saving the statsreport.xml file.


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