Collecting diagnostic information for VMware vCloud Director

December 12th, 2011 by jason Leave a reply »

I’ve gone a few rounds with VMware vCloud Director in as many weeks recently.  I’ve got an upcoming blog post on a vCenter Proxy Service issue I’ve been dealing with but until I collect the remaining details on that, I thought I’d point out VMware KB 1026312 Collecting diagnostic information for VMware vCloud Director.  This knowledge base article details the steps required to collect the necessary support logs for both vCD versions 1.0 and 1.5.

The vmware-vcd-support script collects host log information as well as these vCloud Director logs. The script is located in the following folders:

For vCloud Director 1.0, run /opt/vmware/cloud-director/bin/vmware-vcd-support

For vCloud Director 1.5, run /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/vmware-vcd-support

Once executed, the script will bundle the following log files from /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs/ into a .tgz tarball saving it in the directory from which the script was run (providing there is enough storage available):

  1. cell.log – Console output from the vCloud Director cell.
  2. diagnostics.log – Cell diagnostics log. This file is empty unless diagnostics logging is enabled in the local logging configuration.
  3. vcloud-container-info.log – Informational log messages from the cell. This log also shows warnings or errors encountered by the cell.
  4. vcloud-container-debug.log – Debug-level log messages from the cell.
  5. vcloud-vmware-watchdog.log – Informational log messages from the cell watchdog. It records when the cell crashes, is restarted, etc.

On the subject of vCD log files, also mentioned in the KB article is VMware KB 1026815 Configuring logging for VMware vCloud Director.  The information in this article is useful for specifying the quantity and size of vCD log files to be maintained on the cell server.

Once the log files have been collected, you may analyze them offline or upload them to VMware’s FTP site in association with an SR by following VMware KB 1008525 Uploading diagnostic information to VMware.


1 comment

  1. Erik Bussink says:

    Thanks Jason for this simple to find and quick/accurate article for vCloud support.