Windows on multicore processors

January 22nd, 2009 by jason Leave a reply »

Great article by Randall C. Kennedy comparing Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 and their multicore efficiencies (or lack thereof).  If you want to know which Windows OS is going to take most efficient advantage of AMD and Intel multicore technology, this article is worth a read.  You may be surprised at the results.


“In order to test the limits of Windows multicore support, I constructed a comprehensive, multiprocess workload test package using the ADO (database), MAPI (workflow), and WMP (media playback) Stress objects from the DMS Clarity Studio; see “How I tested” for the details. I then executed the package across representative dual- and quad-core systems in an effort to document the scalability, the execution efficiency, and the raw performance of the workloads when running against each of the available Windows incarnations.”

Read the full article here.


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  1. tim says:

    people should read this article in full and its comments. testing methodology is suspect/confusing, 32-bit only, no 64-bit testing…